"Pearland police say officers were investigating a disturbance in the police station parking lot around midday yesterday and approached Wright, he fled on foot before he was caught in a nearby subdivision."
Not only was he causing a disturbance in a police parking lot, he had the wacky weed on him. Two ounces worth.
I find many things wrong with this story. First of all, what are you doing causing a disturbance in a police parking lot!? This just in, they have back-up there. What could you expect to really get away with. I can't believe this guy was ever allowed to take his helmet off.
The Pearland police are actually pretty proud of themselves: "We had people on the scene pretty fast and I believe because of our quick response time and the mental and physical toughness of our officers to catch offenders, we were able to get him in custody quickly and safely." You got there "pretty fast"? ITS YOUR OWN FREAKING PARKING LOT!! Of course you got people on the scene fast! Next to the Dunkin Donuts, there is no safer place to be.
Secondly, an NFL defensive back that couldn't get separation from some Pearland cops? I know said cops. They truly advocate the coffee and donuts diet. No wonder he's out of a job. Hey, Kenny, how do you expect to keep up with the likes of Chad Johnson and Hines Ward if you can't outrun Barney Fife and Joe Friday? I don't know about you but I gotta think that "running from police" speed should be faster than NFL DB speed. Maybe the Browns should work out the cop that caught him.
Good luck against the Steelers, Kenny!

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