Friday, April 18, 2008

Japaneese Baseball Players Are Wusses

I came across this tidbit this morning....

"A Japanese high school pleaded for a regional game to be abandoned after surrendering 66 runs in less than two innings, local media reported on Thursday.

The coach of Kawamoto technical high school threw in the towel to spare his pitcher's arm with his team losing 66-0 with just one batter out in the bottom of the second.
The hapless hurler had already sent down over 250 pitches, allowing 26 runs in the first inning and 40 in the second before Kawamoto asked for mercy.

'At that pace the pitcher would have thrown around 500 pitches in four innings," Kawamoto's coach was quoted as saying. "There was a danger he could get injured.'

Opponents Shunshukan were officially credited with a 9-0 victory, giving the scoreline a tinge of respectability for the luckless Kawamoto school."

Really, coach? You start to worry about your pitcher's arm after 250 pitches? Really? I have so many questions for this coach that I don't know where to begin.

1. Was this the only pitcher you had on the team?
2. At what pitch count would you have started warming someone else up?
3. What was wrong with showing concern at 80 pitches? 100? 150?
4. Was there anyone playing in the field?
5. Does your pitcher have a minor league deal with the Cincinnati Reds?
6. Were you thinking ... "okay, its only 65 runs, we can still make it up if we.....DAMN! Another run! That's it guys, i'm calling it."

Side note - 66 runs in 1.1 innings equates to an ERA of 540. No decimal points! That's 5-4-0, as in hundreds.